Hiding in Plain Sight

Change Management Blog

Wide panoramic computer-generated image of an asphalt road with a yellow line down its center, during what appears to be a yellow-and-orange sunrise or sunset. A brightly-lit light bulb hovers over the yellow line in the road, symbolizing ideas developed along the journey. Image Credit: ID 89842879 Copyright Wayback12 | Dreamstime.com
In a closeup photo of two computer keyboard keys, the 'Return' key is kelly green and reads, 'Document Management.' The 'Shift' key is royal blue and reads 'Process Management.' Surrounding keys are dull gray with white lettering. Image Credit: ID 83369433 Copyright Vaeenma | Dreamstime.com

Analysis of Information Access

Are information bottlenecks hiding in plain sight?

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Product prototyping process flowchart with team ownership swimlanes. Background is an orange gradient. Swimlane labels are black blocks with white text. Tasks performed and/or shared by various teams are green or blue, with black text. Image Credit: Copyright 2022, Rebecca Lewis

Change Management Poster

Let's play a game! It's called "Treasure Hunting"

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Closeup photo of shiny golden-brass cogs, gears, and other clock parts, entitled, 'Clockwork.' Credited to Filter Forge on Creative Commons.

A Paradoxical Hierarchy, In Which the Needs of All Are Equally Important

Every single team in an ideal engineering-led company needs to function efficiently, not just the strongest or most crucial teams.

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Underwater photo of a farmer near the Solomon Islands, wearing a snorkel and tending to coral. Credited to WorldFish on Creative Commons.

In Each Industry: How Is the Ground Prepared for Planting?

How do you prepare your clients for "progress" or "success," as defined from their point of view, on their own terms?

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Partial photo of two Japanese human support robots from 2012. Credited to failing_angel on Creative Commons.

We Need Our Intelligent Human Minds, After All: Significant News from MIT Technology Review

Believe it or not, my own spin on this article is NOT, "I told you so."

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Landscape photo of a dirt footpath cutting through a tall, green crop of grain, with a silo and trees in the background. Credited to Colin-47 on Creative Commons.


“Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.”
— Lin Yutang 1895–1976

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Closeup photo of a small, dark-stained, polished wooden ball with the name, 'John Anderton,' carved into it and darkened with black paint. From the movie, 'Minority Report.' Credited to Urko Dorronsoro on Creative Commons.

What Do We Do About Bad Behavior… Without Behaving Badly, Ourselves?

Did we learn anything from "Minority Report?"

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Closeup photo of a small, dark-stained, polished wooden ball with the name, 'John Anderton,' carved into it and darkened with black paint. From the movie, 'Minority Report.' Credited to Urko Dorronsoro on Creative Commons.

Very Loudly

Originally posted by Rebecca Lewis on LinkedIn

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Closeup photo of a small, dark-stained, polished wooden ball with the name, 'John Anderton,' carved into it and darkened with black paint. From the movie, 'Minority Report.' Credited to Urko Dorronsoro on Creative Commons.

You Forgot to Plan For Us Still Being Here, Didn’t You?

But you can always change your mind and start contemplating and acting on the belief that we matter.

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Closeup photo of a small, dark-stained, polished wooden ball with the name, 'John Anderton,' carved into it and darkened with black paint. From the movie, 'Minority Report.' Credited to Urko Dorronsoro on Creative Commons.

Kind Defiance

How do we break the cycle? We have to no longer want what they're selling.

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Photo of red handwritten letters on a whiteboard, almost all in capital letters: 'Those people who tried to bury you didn't know you were a seed.'

In Which Group Are You?

Originally posted by Rebecca Lewis on LinkedIn

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Still shot from Disney's 'Moana' movie in which Moana is speaking to the scary lava monster.

I've Crossed the Horizon to Find You

When wishing you could reconcile, understanding each other's minds and beliefs might be even more important than understanding reality.

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